Saturday, September 1, 2007

Chicago (by Heidi)

Chicago, and particularly our little slice of it, the South Loop, like anyplace has good and bad aspects. Here are a few of my thoughts on what they are from my perspective….

The Good:
1. Great running trail by the lake! It follows the lake along the city for miles, its paved, and where I go, it feels safe. I decided it was ok to put my MACE away after I saw more mothers and children and cops than potential muggers.
2. Lots to do. There is so much culture, so many festivals and activities that one would never have to be bored. …and a lot of the activities don’t have to cost money if you go on the right day, (e.g. there are lots of free museum days throughout the year).
3. Lots of shopping. Too much. Good thing we don’t have a lot of extra space to put stuff in our apartment, that makes me not want to buy anything.
4. Our neighborhood’s proximity to everything. Soldier field and three major museums are literally a 10 minute walk away.
5. Public transportation. So easy and cheaper than gas, I love it.

The Kind of Rough:
1. Segregation. We recently found out that Chicago is known for being really segregated. Many people seem to “stick with their own kind,” meaning own color. Sometimes that feels like people who aren’t my race don’t want to talk to me, and a few times have even seemed rude. I was surprised by that.
2. Too many people. You have to time when you do things to avoid the mad amounts of individuals trying to do the same thing you want to do at the same time. Like, I learned last week, don’t try to go to the only grocery store around for miles (Jewel Osco) at 5:30pm, when everyone is getting off work, you won’t find parking!
3. Prices. Taxes are over 9% downtown on the shopping. That’s a lot! It seems like everything in the grocery store is at least a dollar more than I am used to.
4. Nice neighborhoods can be in the middle of Shadesville. Near us, there are beautiful million dollar brownstone town homes that are only a few streets over from the ghetto. It’s kind of bizarre, but you just kind of learn which directions not to go.

If nothing else, our new experience has open our eyes, and I like that. I don’t like to get really comfortable in white, suburbia and not realize what’s going on in the rest of the world. This is good for me, for us, and I am sure there is lots more to learn in the coming months.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys made it out there ok. I haven't checked blogs in a while, so I am playing catch-up. The Budget truck and U-Haul trailer is a pretty sweet pic!

It's amazing how much you learn when moving, especially moving long-distance. I know that is definitely one of the ways God grows us.

The Donegans said...

I am feeling your pain about living in a Big City! Try taking two kids during rush hour. Mama definitely ain't happy!!!