Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Hi Again

Just when I thought I'd given up on blogging again, I decided maybe it'd be worth it with a bambini on the way... I have a lot more to talk about with her on the way and once she gets here. So maybe, I will, half-committed, start this again.

So I am getting enough of a belly that people on the bus offer me their seats occasionally. However, so far, it's only been women. At first, I thought that was pretty rude, but then decided that men probably just don't notice that I am preganent because they aren't that detail oriented, nor do they maybe feel confident enough to infer that I look big enough, so I must be pregnant. Anyway, I always turn the offers down because by 1/2 way through the ride, enough people have cleared off and I get a seat.

Yesterday was my birthday and I had a nice day. I went to work, because who wants to stay home alone on their birthday?, and last night Josh took me for dinner and then to see Jersey Boys. It was really good, we both enjoyed it. Ok, enough of this for now, since I'm at work. I'll try to be better about this... I think?
