I returned to Boston to visit Josh again this weekend and we had a blast! We rented a car and headed up to Maine for the first time and loved it! Of note, we got to coordinate seeing Josh's brother Joe and our sister-in-law Beth for a couple of hours after they flew into Portland, ME to start their vacation. Josh didn't know that they were going to be there, so I coordinated the surprise with Joe and Beth and it turned out perfectly! We met at the lighthouse at Ft. Williams and then had lunch at a near by Lobster Shack on the ocean. Here's a summary of what Josh and I did this weekend...
Ten Fun Things We Did This Weekend
1. Made fun of the Boston/Maine accent and tried to mimic it
2. Went to the LL Bean flagship store in Freeport, ME (but didn't buy anything!)
3. Played Frisbee on the beach (I am terrible, but Josh has taken on my lack of skill and is trying to teach me)
4. Act huffy about the huge number of kids at our hotel's free buffet breakfast (Do people who are parents mind OPK's (other people's kids)? Come on, the line at the waffle maker was outrageous! We'll be there soon enough with our own annoying little kids...
5. Went to the Coldplay concert Monday night (awesome)
6. Had the BEST chicken sandwhich ever and Harvard Gardens (a little bar by Josh on Beacon Hill)
7. Met Barclay (Josh's college friend in town doing a concert at Cape Cod) for dinner and subsequently walked around Beacon Hill that night with gelato from Belle Vita, a cute Italian gelato place
8. Saw Maine lighthouses
9. Tried fresh seafood at the Maine lobster shacks (no full lobsters though, sorry Micheal, it looked like too much ability was involved in getting those suckers open)
10. Just got to be together and laugh alot
WE ARE SO JEALOUS!!!! Isn't the Maine accent hysterical? You should hear M's family:) They are a hoot! Isn't LL Bean the greatest? And the lobsta!!! So tasty!!! But the little squeels (or sad crys) that come when their being cooked are terrible...but Michael could care less! He just wants the critters cooked with lotsa butta:) You really need to make it to the Windsor Fair! That's when you see Maine at it's best. GR8 pix friend. Miss you guys terribly!
That is wicked awesome! I can't believe you were sucha friggin sally and didn't eat a lobstah. I am supah stoked that you made it out of "bean town" to a real state with no flat landahs. Maine folks are the best!!!
beautiful pics! On the subject of other people's kids - they annoy me too a lot of times, so no, it doesn't necessarily change when you have your own.
i love gelato! what a great stretch together on the east coast. you are probably better off not going for the lobster whole. i am sure you have heard, it can be gross seeing the insides.=)
Well written article.
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