Thursday, August 28, 2008

IPOD Inspired Musings

So I was running last night- listening to some good tunes on my IPOD (Rodrigo y Gabriela) and then was stopped in my tracks by the cutest little puppy (Shih Tzu of course). I bent over, took out my earphones and started petting the puppy and talking to it's owner. As I took off again, the thought occurred to me- What does it take to get me to take my earphones out? Or, in other words, what does it take to get me to interact with my neighbor or community member instead of just doing my own thing? Turns out, a puppy... but not much else. It is so much easier to go through the day without so much as looking at anyone else on the train, smiling at anyone on the bus, or saying hi in the hall at work. I wonder how I am coming off sometimes? Definately in a hurry, independent perhaps, irritated? How can I spread the Gospel if I essentially tune out the rest of the world, except my chosen few? I have to be intentional sometimes, because I truly can value efficiency over people, and would rather be listening to my own created soundtrack for life on my IPOD than letting conversations with others interrupt my thoughts. Going forward, I still want to use my IPOD on my runs, but I got the point of this self-inflicted existentialist metaphor... I wonder, does anyone else?
Anyways, on a lighter note, we're off to Italy on Sunday, but I promise pictures when we get back, and maybe a guest appearance on this blog by Mr. Josh Wheeler himself. (Who passed the CFA by the way!) I welcome him home on Saturday, a long summer without him, almost to an end....


amy luella said...

what a summer for you two!...congratultions to josh on the exam!...your blog "metaphor" is often in my thoughts, hoping that i wasn't so driven by my agenda that i missed something...hope it's a wonderful trip--i am sure it wll be!

Janice said...

Rob and I saw Rodrigo y Gabriella at the Mile High Music Festival this summer and we just LOVED them! Have a great time in Italy. I bet you're glad summer is over now and you and Josh are together again!