Saturday, June 28, 2008

The Waiting Game

Have you ever noticed in life that most of the time you are waiting for something? To finish something, to obtain something, to endure something. I think in the waiting, we can either accept it for it's lesson or fight it and be miserable. Right now, I am waiting for Josh's internship to be over, to get pregnant, to move back to Colorado, and to go to Italy. But, each day is a part of our lives, and when we are constantly looking forward (or backward) we are not really living because we are hoping that thing or circumstance we are waiting for will hurry up and come... Most of you know that we want kids and that we lost a preganancy last fall, and boy, has the wait to get pregant again tough. I am learning not to fight it, and try to enjoy the freedom and flexibility of not being a mother (per my mother friends' urging!). What are you waiting for? What do you think will happen when "it" comes? Remember, that daily our hope should be in Christ, and that as our circumstances ebb and flow, our Lord is ever constant. Peace, Heidi


Jenna Hoskinson said...

Hey Heidi,

Great post. I feel like I am waiting to have another baby and then be out of the baby stage so I can "get on with my life". Sounds horrible, I know. I have to remember that THIS IS my life now and this is what God has for me and I should be so thankful for it, instead of just looking forward to how things might be in the next 5 or so years.

amy luella said...

it is so true; i could use that reminder each day. so colorado is in your future!?=) i had been wondering where you two were with children, since we spoke last summer. i am really sorry about that loss. as for living in the future, i long for the day/way in which i am more free/mobile to be involved in the community and travel. so i am thankful for opportunities to share experiences through friendships, one example being your trips out of the country, and i am learning to accept and fill these desires/dreams in my daily living. god is so good. i believe these are god given desires, and he is faithful to satisfy.

Lesley said...

Hi There, What a beautiful post. Please do not give up the blog as I so enjoy checking in on the two of you each week. Remember, God will send it all one thing at a time. Take Care and stay in touch. Your clinical educator friend, Lesley :)

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about your miscarriage. As an encouragement to you, I share that I also have had three miscarriages - and I have four wonderful children now! While I wouldn't trade them for the world, I encourage you to treasure each day that you have to spend with just you and Josh. Those days will be few and far between once God blesses you with children. It is so hard for me to enjoy each day, too, but what an awesome reminder to cherish the day that God has given me TODAY. After all, there is no promise of tomorrow. Thanks for helping me with my focus!