Sunday, June 22, 2008

We Live

So- I was thinking about giving up the blog, but maybe I do want to keep it for awhile. In order to get you all up to speed, I will try to summarize the months since our last post. Josh spent most of the spring studying for the CFA Level III (if you don't know what it is, it's basically a hateful test that takes 6 months to study for). He also finalized which internship he would take for the summer. He took one at Bank of New York, Mellon, The Boston Group. He is in Boston, MA all summer and is liking his work, though it is challenging. He lives by himself right in the heart of Beacon Hill, and raves about the beautiful brownstones and historical sights.

I have been working hard at work, and spending a lot of time with church and the friends I have made there. One aspect I really enjoy is working to advocate against social injustice. Our church is awesome in that it is truly committed to work with the poor, homeless, and those afflicted by social injustices. Check out Love 146 and International Justice Mission's websites to get started learning about some of the issues.

I also have a new roommate, Linda, who is in undergrad at Notre Dame and doing an internship at Goldman Sachs for the summer in Chicago. We actually get a long great, so that is a relief for both of us. (Thanks, Craig's list) It would probably be lonely without her here.

This fall we are headed to Italy for two weeks because Josh has some time off and we want to do something fun together. That's everything in a nutshell. Chicago is beautiful this time of year. Lots of fun and festivals.

Once again, sorry for the (huge) delay. Amy, you got me to want to do this again... so I will try to be better about it!



Jenna Hoskinson said...

I am so glad you want to keep the blog going. It really is how I feel connected to my out of state friends!

The Donegans said...

Finally a post:) Glad to see your still an active blogger! Love your updates friend! Cioa!

amy luella said...

love hearing the update...your church sounds great, heidi...i would like to look into those site guys are not short on excitement...way to go, planning your trip to italy this fall--wow!