Sunday, December 30, 2007


It's been nice being off from school for the past couple of weeks. The first quarter was very intense. It was one of those times when it takes all your time and energy just to keep up with the daily agenda. So it's easy in that kind of environment to lose focus and forget about everything else. This is especially true in business school, where the environment is very competitive and it's all about getting a job, making the grade and building your network. It can be pretty high pressure. And, if you aren't very grounded in who you are and very committed to staying true to that, your identity will be redefined for you, very quickly. It's been great over the past few weeks to get back into the spiritual disciplines and re-acquaint myself with the message in the Bible about who God is, who I am, what this life means, what the next is all about, and what truly matters. In a time and place when everybody's worried about the future - what career they'll have, if they'll be successful, how they will come to have meaning in their lives - I've been very comforted by God's promises for this life and the next. They are all that can provide true meaning. All the other stuff is meaningless in comparison.

1 comment:

amy luella said...

nice reminders about god's truth...