Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Rearview Mirror

Today as we headed out of town, I looked into the rearview mirror and I saw them… and I realized that we were truly leaving our beloved state of Colorado. The mountains were as tall and majestic looking as they had ever looked; the sun was shining brightly over the vast expanse of the Front Range. I had come out here seven years ago singing to the tune Wide Open Spaces by the Dixie Chicks - a young single girl with lots of dreams of adventure, love, and what would be. Today I left a woman, who was embarking on a new type of adventure, who had found love, and is still wondering what will be…

I can’t believe we are gone. The entirety of mine and Josh’s history has been made with CO as the home base. We made, and just left, great friends, left jobs we enjoyed, left family, and left a place where trailheads were an hour away. So, what awaits us? The city I swore I would never return to… I mean I actually said out loud when I left Chicago after college, “I am never coming back here.” You can’t say things like that out loud, because somehow it ends up a loud echo bouncing back from the past.

So it will take many weeks or months to not expect to see those mountains when we look in the rearview mirror, but we will be looking forward too…to whatever God and life brings us.



Amanda said...

God will bless you wherever you go! Colorado was then and Chicago is now. What an exciting time. Good luck sweet friends and we can't wait to visit your new digs. We love you to pieces!

The Donegan Clan

Anonymous said...

Ahhhh, the joys of eating humble pie...

"I will never..."

Just wait until you start having kids. It'll happen all the time.

"I'll never treat my kids the way my parents treated me..."


Love you guys...

Jay said...

I was concerned when I read that you arrived a young single girl and left a woman... until I realized that Josh didn't write this post... whew!

Sounds so familiar to our thoughts a year ago. It takes a while to build up the friendships and the experiences that make a place home, but luckily God doesn't just hang out in the Denver metro area, so you're good to go!

The Mom said...

Never say Never! The Lord will always use it as an opportunity to instruct you in His mysterious ways! Trust me, I have learned that lesson!
May you be blessed in your new adventures in Chicago, and be watched over and protected by our creator! We love you two! Mom

Jenna Hoskinson said...

ya, it's crazy. We miss you already but I know there are great things waiting for you there in Chicago. Just make sure to keep us all updated on everything! This blogging thing is addictive...