Monday, October 6, 2008

Nothing New

Just wanted to say hi to everyone and let you all know that we're just trucking along. Josh is busy with recruiting season (again). He's looking for jobs in one of the slimmest economies in a long time. However, we both trust that God knows His plan for us and we will be taken care of by Him. Josh also is busy with the Christian Business Student Association (CBSA), of which he is a co-chair at school. I am proud that he is willing to take a stand for Christ in an environment where that isn't always popular.
I have just been hanging out with friends, going to knitting and guitar classes, and generally keeping myself busy. I love that it's football season (my favorite sport), and I am following both the Broncos and Bears. We decided to go to North Dakota for Thanksgiving to see my grandparents. My family is going to meet us up there too. It should be fun... That's about it for now. Hope everyone is doing well.

1 comment:

The Mom said...

Sould be fun???? It will be a blast, hee! Love, Denver Socialites
P.S. I am certain that Josh will want a job up there.