I realized that because I am not very good at keeping a diary, that that lack of a desire to put daily life on paper oten transfers to a lack of wanting to/ taking the time to blog. But, seriously, we have been busy, and that is a lot of it! For me, alot of time has gone into five solid months of studying for my Nurse Practitioner boards that I just passed on Friday 2/1! Here are the other updates...
-My brother Matt's cancer diagnosis is Hodgkin's lymphoma. We are relieved to know what it is finally and to have treatment underway. He will get 6 months of chemo and then 2 months of radiation. The prognosis is very good, and thanks for keeping him in your prayers.
-I got to visit him and my family in Denver two weeks ago. It was good to be able to see them all as well as support Matt. I was able to go to Pinecrest for a Sunday which was great, especially when Ray bowed in front of me in the foyer when I walked in and said, "I am not worthy." That story made Josh laugh a lot when I told him.
- Josh is doing well on his internship interviewing. He already has a full time paid summer internship offer in NYC, with some other offers likely coming.
-I turned 30 on January 27. I have decided not to be a woman who hides her age. I am proud of it actually...
Josh surprised me with a brunch with a bunch of Chicago friends and family at Cafe Lux downtown. (That's what the picture of all the people is...)
-My youngest brother Mark surprised me, by flying in from Denver for my birthday. That was fun and we all took in a great Italian dinner together. (There's a pic of me and him, as well as a picture of me with the Tiramisu at the Italian restaurant).
That's about it for now! Hope you are all doing well. It was good to see many of you when I was Denver, even if it was brief!
I am so sad I missed you while you were here!
Glad to hear you passed your boards and that Josh got a paid internship too. Sounds like things are going well for you both in Chicago. It was good to see you while you were here, Heidi! Happy 30th Birthday!
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