Chicago is:
1. Ridiculously cold and snowy.
2. Grey for too many days in a row to count.
3. Obsessed with the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) and it's problems, there's even a newspaper that has a daily CTA
column. Hmm.
4. Full of good restaurants.
5. Racially diverse and yet quite segregated.
6. Fun to walk around.
7. Really puddle-y after a snow because obsessive amounts of salt are used to melt snow really fast.
8. Always full of traffic.
9. Really into sports, food, and beer.
10. My current home!
Chicago is not:
1. That bad of a place to live.
2. My favorite place I have ever lived.
2. As cold as I thought it would be, really!
4. That hard to get around.
5. Denver.
6. Sunny.
7. Very fit.
8. A boring place to be.
9. Culturally lacking.
10. Without a large body of water.
That's how I amuse myself on a cold, snowy night. The winter is kind of dragging here, but it isn't as bad as it could be. I love to compare Denver and here, because they are so different in so many ways. I think it is kind of cool how you could move to any region of the country and get a totally different vibe and culture. Josh is doing well on his interviewing/recruiting process and I am sure we will know in the next 2-3 weeks where he will be spending his summer. And probably where we will move/go after school is done, because the business school internships usually turn into a full-time job opportunity. Hope you are all well! Heidi