How do I sum up two weeks of glorious Italy in a few words for our avid readers? We only expect that you be as avid of readers and we are posters, which isn't very...
Well the highlights of Italy were: 1) Gelato (we were pretty much eating it twice a day 2) All the other food- it's truly amazing 3) Spending time with Italian friends of Micheal and Amanda's we met once when they came to the States (Lucia and Alfonso) 4) Relaxing 5) Seeing beautiful old historical sites and towns 6) Sleeping in a lot 7) Watching Josh drive our manual shift rental (A Fiat Punto) through narrow, winding Italian roads 8) Five course meals 9) Staying at Agroturismos 10) Time together after so much time apart
Italy is fanatastic- Our route was Rome-Tuscany-Cinque Terre-Florence-Venice-Bolzano (Dolomites) Anyone who ever wants to plan a trip there, get the Rick Steves travel guide. I spent tons of time planning the trip, but it was all worth it... Now we're back in the groove. Josh starts school this week, and I have been back to work for a week.
Remember my beloved bike I got this summer? Well, someone stole it from outside my work yesterday. I was so sad.... Oh well, I guess I can always get another, but thought I'd let you know. It was fun while it lasted. Hope everyone is doing well!